Sunday, August 9, 2009

The post with James Augustine

It was a busy weekend to be unemployed. I saw a comedian famous for his work in Sonic commercials, ate at two different Wolfy's, and watched some kid at the gym do the seated row while on his cell phone. Yeah...

Busy weekend to be unemployed. Let's give out some weekend awards.

Best display of bravery goes to...

-The guy in the plaid shirt using the stall in Social 25 at 1:30 in the morning. To me, this probably would have been in a deal breaker in the sense I would have gone home. But not this fellow. With a line about 25 deep, he bravely went to the bathroom on the same toilet that roughly 1000 people had already urinated on. Bravo!

Worst use of 7 Footer goes to....

-Social 25, for not playing "Call on me" when James Augustine walked into the bar, when it's clear Augustine loves to fist pump.

Best sign of how connected we are goes to...

-The kid at the gym who kept his cell phone in his pocket and answered it while doing a seated row. I can't even write anything that was funnier than the sight of this. Just know he stayed on his phone for the next 10 minutes, and while I had my headphones on, just seeing him talking bothered me. While I couldn't hear the conversation, I'm convinced he was talking about how hammered he got the previous night.

Worst coincidence goes to...

-Me, for actively choosing to dine at the Wolfy's in Northbrook on Friday (Cheddar Burger), and then randomly passing the original Wolfy's on Peterson on Saturday (Italian Beef; hot peppers) en route to a Jeff Tweedy concert. I don't know where I'd put the odds of such an occurrence on happening, but I'd say they're low.

Best coincidence goes to...

-Paul for knowing the owners of the Wolfy's in Northbrook, which led to me getting half of a free grilled salami sandwich. Sport peppers were a nice touch, but I'm sticking with the burger or dog.

Best "We can all get along" moment goes to...

-The church 3 blocks from Emanuel Congregation that allowed people to park there for the Jeff Tweedy concert. $10 was cheap too, compared to other parking situations in the city. Mazel Tov.

Best comedian who appears in Sonic commercials goes to...

-Peter Grosz, who opened for Jeff Tweedy and was at least 13x funnier than I thought he'd be. No reference to the Sonic commercials either, which in all honesty, is probably a good thing when you're playing a Synagogue in Edgewater and the closest Sonic is in Aurora.

Most curious "WTF" moment goes to...

-Emanuel Congregation, for serving beer and allowing concertgoers to drink it in the sanctuary. L'Chaim, indeed.

Best use of guilt trip to induce tip a goes to...

-The bathroom attendant on Friday night, who shouted "Slow down, Player!" at me when I tried to b-line it out of the bathroom after washing my hands. You know what? You're right. You do deserve a dollar for pushing the soap button for me.

Best moment of the weekend goes to....

-Anyone who reads this thing, for hitting the 1000 page visit mark. I'm very grateful and flattered. I started this to kill time while looking for a job. If anyone decided to read it, that was just a bonus so thanks for reading everyone.

The streets is watchin' people.

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  1. I won't even use the sink in a bathroom at a bar because people have probably peed in it (I saw that once at Mothers II and I have had nightmares since). Poor guy.

    On a related note, why were you at Social 25?

  2. I should mention we're getting a Sonic in Lake Zurich... Holler.

  3. This is crap. Everyone is getting a Sonic except Deerfield. I don't even like Sonic that much...but if there's a suburb that has stoned kids driving around late at night hungry, it's Deerfield.
