Monday, August 3, 2009

MVP of the Unemployed Game

I'm about a month into this joblessness venture and I must say, I'm pretty used to it. I have pretty much the same schedule everyday. I lead a low stress existence. I'm pretty happy.

However, this is not to say that everyone feels the same way.

There seems to be a pattern developing when I run into some one from college or high school and I tell them I'm unemployed. The standard conversation proceeds like so:

Them- "So what are you doing these days?"
Me- "Ehh, sort of in between jobs at the moment. Looking for something full-time again.
Them (half disgusted face)- "Oh. I'm sorry to hear it.
Me (Smiling)- "Nah, it's alright."
Them (Slightly reassured)- "Okay then. Well..where are you living?
Me (Almost laughing)- "I'm at home still."
Them (looking at me like I have the plague)- "Oh."
Me- "Well it nice bumping into. Maybe we can get together and network sometime."
Them- Already walked away.

This is how I would describe most of the casual run-ins I have with people I haven't seen in a while. It's weird. For a while I think people were embarrassed for me that I was living at home. Naturally, when you tell people you were laid off, they are going to feel bad for you too. But a newer trend I'm noticing is that when I tell people I have no job and live at home, they kind of react like you told them you're dying.

And while I appreciate the concern (it's flattering, it really is), there are a lot of people currently laid off. I don't feel sorry for myself, and I would not want any one else too, because there are people worse off than me. If anything, the fact I live at home and don't have to pay a lease is a blessing in my mind.

It's weird to suggest that I'm happier without having a job, but this blog has given me the opportunity to do the kind of writing I would have never been able to at my old job (it's worth nothing I didn't need to wait until I was unemployed to start a blog, but hindsight is 20/20 my friend). As I said in an earlier column, life is about taking advantages of the opportunities put in front of you. There is no better time than now for me to try to define my writing style, and further investigate what my writing is best suited for.

For the time being, I'd love to stay in advertising. The challenge to write creatively and strategically is a constant battle, and that is exciting for some one who is as competitive as I am (because let's be honest, I haven't given up my NBA dreams, but my jumpshot is streaky at best and Gar Forman won't return any of my calls).

The exciting thing about being a writer a now though is that it's really a changing industry. Print media barely has a pulse left. The blogosphere is growing exponentially. And at some point, a happy medium will be found. But really, I'm looking for any opportunity that allows me to take some of the crazy thoughts in my head and get them on paper (or at least Microsoft Word).

What's in store for me next is anyone's guess . Although I'm pretty sure no matter where I end up, I'll have more awkward encounters with old classmates. So as long as my next writing job allows me to continue to be awkward in social situations with people I haven't seen in 5+ years, I'm cool with that.

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